Strategy and vision

The strategy of Larsmo sets forth the future guidelines for Larsmo. The strategy outlines the long-term goals of the municipality and creates a vision for the future of the municipality. The municipal strategy is updated every council term.
Local Government Act (410/2015):
Each municipality must have a municipal strategy in which the local council determines the long-term objectives for the municipality’s activities and finances. The municipal strategy must take into account:
- advancement of the well-being of the municipality’s residents;
- arrangement and provision of services;
- service objectives laid down in acts on the functions of municipalities;
- ownership policy;
- personnel policy;
- opportunities for the residents of the municipality to participate and exert influence;
- development of the living environment and vitality of the area.
The municipal strategy must be based on an assessment of the municipality’s current situation and of the future changes in the operating environment and the impact of these on the performance of the municipality’s functions. The municipal strategy must also define the process of assessment and monitoring of the strategy’s implementation.
Provisions on taking the municipal strategy into account in the preparation of the municipality’s budget and financial plan. The municipal strategy shall be reviewed at least once during the term of the local council.
The vision of the municipality of Larsmo for 2023-2035
Larsmo – 365 islands of vitality
Vision: Larsmo is a successful and pleasant residential municipality in a prosperous region
Strategic areas of emphasis:
- Well-being throughout life
- Equipped for the future
- Welcome to Larsmo
The strategy of Larsmo was approved by the municipal council on 26.6.2023 § 39.