Daycare service and education
Daycare service
There are six Swedish daycare units in Larsmo, in Bosund, Holm, Grev, and Furuholmen.
Children between the ages of 10 months and 5 years are entitled to municipal early childhood education and care (ECEC). Here you can find more information about early childhood care in Finland.
Applications for a place in early childhood education are made electronically. Applications are submitted four months in advance, or no later than two weeks before early childhood education begins.
Pre-primary education
Before taking part of basic education, six-year-old children attend free pre-primary education that the municipality arranges. Pre-primary education is compulsory under the Basic Education Act. The pre-primary school that one enrolles in is based on the home address.
You enroll in the pre-primary school nearest to your home. Every child is assigned a place and more detailed information is sent home, usually in February. Apply to pre-primary education in the Wilma electronic service.
Supplementary daycare
Supplementary daycare is arranged by the division of early childhood education in the premises of the pre-primary schools.
You need to fill out an electronic application if you wish to enroll your child in supplementary daycare.
The supplementary daycare fee is based on income.
Compulsory education
There are four primary schools (grades 1-6) in Larsmo: Bosund, Holm, Näs, and Risö school. Cronhjelmskolan is the only school in Larsmo for grades 7-9.
Apply to compulsory education in the Wilma electronic service.
Finnish-speaking pupils (pre-primary school to 9th grade) attend Finnish-speaking schools in Jakobstad.
In Finland, you can apply to general upper secondary school (high school or vocational school) after you have completed comprehensive school.
Preparatory education for pre-primary education and comprehensive education
Compulsory education applies to persons under the age of 18 who live in Finland permanently. A person is considered to be living in Finland permanently if they have a municipality of residence in Finland.
If your child has a residence permit based on temporary protection but not a municipality of residence and you live in Larsmo, your child has the right to participate in pre-primary education, compulsory education, or preparatory education. The school and the school community support children’s welfare and a safe everyday life.
Preparatory education for pre-primary education and comprehensive education is offered to children arriving to Finland from Ukraine.
Morning and afternoon activities for basic education
Morning and afternoon activities for basic education are arranged in schools/pre-primary schools.
Apply through the Wilma electronic service.
The fee for morning and afternoon activities for pupils is not based on income.
Schools in Larsmo use the Wilma web interface. Wilma is an electronic service which is a communication tool used for contacts between the schools and homes. Absences and study results are reported via Wilma and you can apply for school transportation.
School transportation
Pupils in grades 1-3 who live more than 3 kilometres away from their school are entitled to free school transportation. Pupils in grades 4-9 are entitled to free school transportation if they live more than 5 km from their school. Pupils in pre-primary school are entitled to free school transportation on the same principles as pupils in grades 1-3. More information about school transportation in Larsmo can be found in the school tranportation regulations.
Pupils in upper secondary school can apply for school transport subsidy from KELA if the school trip exceeds 7 km. More information about school transport subsidy can be found on KELA’s webpages.
Apply for school transportation through Wilma.
More information about daycare and education (in Swedish and Finnish):